Positive Pillars
Hallie Rae Ward
Yarn, glass, light bulb
8.5" x 3.75" x 3.75"
** Each "Positive Pillar" is hand-wrapped **
Hallie Rae Ward
Yarn, glass, light bulb
8.5" x 3.75" x 3.75"
Let your mindset be Blues Skies on a Sunny Day. Remember the glorious happy sun, the glowing blue sky, the earth saying come out and play, and say... Today is a great day! I am grateful! I am focused! I am creating my best life! I am present! My life is fun! I love me! $135.00
SOLD - at Art For The People
Hallie Rae Ward
Yarn, glass, light bulb
8.5" x 3.75" x 3.75"
(Reflektim is Reflection in Albanian)
See your reflection in the mirror and smile. Observe your reflection in the water and splash around. Look into the eyes of someone else, reflect, and give each other a big hug. Close your eyes, reflect, and cheer for yourself. Speak your reflection out loud to the universe and make yourself laugh. Spend time processing your thoughts of reflection. Appreciate and learn from your reflection. Let's have worldwide
reflection. Now let's celebrate because you are glowing and are an amazing being!
Hallie Rae Ward
Yarn, glass, light bulb
8.5" x 3.75" x 3.75"
(Reflexión is Reflection in Spanish)
See your reflection in the mirror and smile. Observe your reflection in the water and splash around. Look into the eyes of someone else, reflect, and give each other a big hug. Close your eyes, reflect, and cheer for yourself. Speak your reflection out loud to the universe and make yourself laugh. Spend time processing your thoughts of reflection. Appreciate and learn from your reflection. Let's have worldwide reflection. Now let's celebrate because you are glowing and are an amazing being!